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Building A Future - The Next Step

Faith Christian Academy purchased 75 acres very close to the existing Greensburg Road Campus.  This property, formerly known as the Beacon Hill Property, will be the location of short-term growth and long-term growth for the school.  A vision statement has been developed: “Faith Christian Academy seeks to bring glory to God by developing the Beacon Hill Property in accordance with the mission and vision of His school until He comes.”

Faith Christian Academy has entered into an agreement with Minghini's General Contractors to build a new secondary campus that will house sixth through twelfth grade students. The “Concept Masterplan” below shows the location of phase I, II & III.  This will new secondary campus will allow a student capacity of 650 students.

Click here to take a virtual tour of the our future campus.

A concept design for the long-term growth of the school “Phase I, II & III”.

Thank you for considering Faith Christian Academy as worthy of your prayer and financial support!


Check out the progress so far.